Let’s say you have a leak in your bathroom, or your toilet doesn’t flush as it used to. Who is the go-to person to call? That would be a plumber. But what most people fail to recognize is the different grades of the plumbing service. As much as plumbing systems everywhere perform the same functions regardless of the location, there are still significant distinguishing features between commercial and residential plumbing.
As the name implies, residential plumbing is that which is designed to cater to the plumbing requirements of a household. Commercial plumbing on the other hand caters to the plumbing requirements and fixtures of commercial buildings and establishments like hotels, malls, hospitals, offices, entertainment and recreational centers, etc. Hence, a commercial plumbing system is designed to accommodate multiple users at the same time, on a daily basis. This piece is highlighting exactly what commercial plumbing entails as well as reputable service providing companies for your commercial plumbing needs.
As much as the motive is the same for both types of plumbing systems, the structure for that of commercial is denser than that of residential. Let’s take certain aspects into consideration:
- Size and Scope: You can say commercial plumbing is of a larger scale and hence requires more fixtures in terms of pipes, faucets, toilets, showers, heating systems, etc.
- Technicality: Because of the magnitude of fixtures, a lot of brainwork is needed either during installation, repair or maintenance of these fixtures as one wrong move can alter the course of the buildings water and waste disposal system.
- Safety Requirements: As much as residential plumbing is subject to safety standards, because of the magnitude of fixtures and usage expected of commercial plumbing systems, the safety requirements are more rigorous as it involves multiple inspections and testing to guarantee its effectiveness.
- Building plan: Most residential properties have a limited number of storeys, but commercial properties do not. Hence, with commercial plumbing, workers need to consider things like gravity and the pipes flow, water pressure for high rise buildings and lots more.
- Possible problems: In commercial plumbing, the issues that arise are more diverse and time consuming. Because the design of the pipes is all encompassing, a simple plumbing problem on one floor can trigger multiple issues on subsequent floors.
Hence, in terms of structure, commercial plumbing is of more grandeur than that of residential. It’s also more technical as one wrong move can create multiple problems. This is why a reputable company with multiple years of service, quality experience and expertise should be in charge of your commercial plumbing needs.
PPS is a company which checks all these boxes as it offers quality commercial plumbing services from installation to general maintenance, replacement to stormwater clearing, site cleanup to drinking water lines and lots more.
This company’s service is all encompassing for your commercial plumbing needs as it’s fully equipped with a range of tools, equipment and licensed professionals that are equal to the task. Think commercial plumbing, think PPS.